Monday, June 18, 2007

Starbucks is the cocaine of the 21st Century. Discuss.

many ask how i celebrated father's day
many do not know i do not have a father..
well ok that's a little bit of a drag
but truth be told, i've not seen him for the past 4 yrs...

havin said that, it wasn't like he was there when my parents were still together..

so many ceremonies..
so many sports days..
so many plays..

you missed them all..

so while i was sippin my green tea frappucino in starbucks..
there were many young fathers who tried so hard to mollycuddle their children..
was i a horrible kid? did my dad mollycuddle me in any way?

i do not want to bitch and whine about havin a terrible childhood
im sure all of us would have wanted out childhood to have been differently..
and that now, many of us swear that when it's our turn to be mums and dads..
we'd be better than them..i hope you guys are able to keep that promise

me? i can't make that promise.. which is why i don't see myself gettin married to begin with..
** a point where i've reiterated in a previous post..

back to dad..
its funny how things changed when he remarried
its funny, that i still tell people im a single child..
well.. to begin wif i've not yet met my step brothers/sisters..

and at times i joke with my mum that this is why i nv went out with a malay girl..
maybe i'd end up bein wif my step sister's cousin in law's brother's daughter..

how ironic, that i have another family out there..
and yet, i've not seen them, met them..or even know their names..

times like this i find it hard to comprehend as to why a man can be so irresponsible towards his own family...
and yet adopt a new family and shower his grandkids with much affection..affection that was nv shown towards his own son...

i am sorry that i hate you, but you taught me how to.
happy belated father's day, to the father i never knew.

Friday, June 1, 2007


i wanna thank god for watching over me

i wanna thank the 2 strangers who helped me to the road shoulder

i wanna thank my mum who came all the way for me, who was faster from bukit batok than the bishan ambulance crew..

i love my mum..

it was all minor.. im good.. :D i'll be back at work next week..