Sunday, December 9, 2007
that's all
its been a fantastic year
of more ups than downs
i thank god for how blessed my life is
despite what a terrible fucker i times
i guess what's left of this blog r merely posts that i wrote with much thought put across
personal events..and perhaps.. how strongly i felt towards certain things
thank u for readin this blog..
but its time to move on..
Sunday, October 21, 2007
i've not seen her for.... 3 yrs? she's still pretty...short.. mwahahaha
so pretty much luckily i brought this cam along.. heh sally sally sally..
gosh.. well at least she recognized me..
and prior to work i wrote a few postcards
so hopefully them people will get it..
moving along back to the choya event..
it was held at the old SoundBar.. a place now called EM
runned by Emerald Hill
so apparently the next craze would be Choyatini
45ml Choya
15ml Vodka
Splash of Soda
the kick of the drink was that the crisp and smoothness was somethin that i nv found in most martinis i drank.. in all i drank 6..and i guess the most fascinating thing for me was the Choya Plum..though albeit unglam to eat it..
but havin spoken to their supplier
what he shared wif me was that the vodka base is essential
for the aftertaste of the drink
now we do not carry what THEY were using
so i guess this comin week wud be somethin of a trial and error for us for the openin of our outlet
so this is miss stacy chong.. my lady boss.. heh i guess we both had a little too much to drink
myself..elaine..stephanie..and chris..
enjoy the weekend guys.. :D i know i will
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
i can go Yangtze and watch their movies
i can.. vote? if they choose to contest in whichever place i'll reside in a few years time
as i went around meetin ppl as part of my bday..the first was with chan huimin..

this follows with random shots on the Cafe Domus Wall of Fame

this is nipples/legung/danson manson. notice how he's tryin to be as tall as me? heh.. it made me laugh..

and those who made it happen
Thursday, October 4, 2007
3 yrs on
i feel that, it was one of the decisions in life you make that you hope wouldn't haunt you for the rest of your life..
its only three years.. and u still haunt me..
i would say that i am over you..but i guess i could never forgive myself for the things that i did..
perhaps.. this is why everytime my bday draws nearer.. im reminded of that terrible period of my life..
fallin sick.. the As were like 2weeks away only..
and i guess.. my results were not a true reflection of the grades i was capable of achievin..
turnin 18 was a terrible phase of my life..
lets hope turnin 21 wouldn't be half as bad..
cheryl sorry..
Saturday, September 29, 2007
If you’re traveling by public transport, take a NEL and drop at Farrer Park.

I will post photos on my blog so that you guys can recognize certain landmarks and include a map..
the invitation is also extended to the partners of laureen, carin, azmi.. if the rest of you suddenly decided to get attach since the last I saw of you guys.. they’re invited as well
Hope everyone can be a good sport and have some fun to the theme.. at least it’ll give you all a reason to go shoppin.. :D
Thanks and hope to see you all down ..
Monday, September 17, 2007
a better part of me..

Friday, September 7, 2007
home song stories

the home song stories is a riveting tale of a Chinese lady, Rose, who was stunningly played by Joan Chen, with two kids in tow in Australia, who went to meet an Uncle Bill, after years with diferent uncles in Hong Kong.

this was one of the opening scenes, where joan chen perform's lin dai's wang bu liao.. mesmering, seductive, reminiscent of the old smoky hk jazz bars..
it was 1971..and that was the year that their lives would change forever.

what follows is a tale of family breakdown, love, lust, yet the universal theme of belonging
rose longs to be with someone who loves her above everthing else
her kids simply long for a simple family life..
and what happens if you do not achieve it?
Uncle Bill was a good man, played like a typical caucasian sinophile patheticness
why was he drawn initially, and still remain captivated by rose was not known
but that is life, where you simply could not let go the best thing that ever happened to you..
yet he, was not the best thing that ever happened to rose
and off she left, and met the handsome Joe, played by the subtly charming Qi YuWu
who i personally feel is Singapore's answer to jude Law, yet a bit more sedated.

it was far from a match made in heaven.
rose wanted stability
joe wanted the carefree life he once had
and the connection wif a younger person
and this connection he had with May, was the breaking point for rose
who accuses her very own daughter, of robbing her mum's very own happiness
this was the catalyst of rose's downward spiral
and you see, the degeneration of rose's own beauty
the cracks in her life..her heart.. and her beauty
how a once well received HK songbird.. stumbled to being a lowly dishwasher in an Australian chinese restaurant
what happened towards the end, left a huge lump on my throat
did tom try to find closure? or was he still hurt by his mother's flaws?
was he still full of hatred? did he now understand why his mother made such decisions..

Monday, August 20, 2007
the weekend..
Thursday, August 16, 2007
hey kids..can't hear youuuuuuu
Thursday, August 9, 2007
iron chef
- black pepper chicken
- sze chuan chicken
- sweet/sour fish
- curry fish
- sambal prawns with kailan
so we kinda celebrated regina's stay here.. and kind of bid farewell to yixin
who by the way is flyin off this sunday afternoon..
it was a blast.. what with the alcohol that was available.. yup yup
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Kho Pha Ngan 2007

yes i'm back from bangkok and kho phangan
sadly nope i din't bring a camera this time around..
i shot the whole visit on a video cam instead
and all i can say is.. wowo wow
not in the world of warcraft 'wow' sense.. but..yea..
things that will stick in my mind for a very long time
- the amount of boobies i saw in phangan..
- the amount of alcohol i had...
- the journey to pha ngan
- the shopping list
- birkies..birkies..birkies
- a pair of green onitsuka tiger trainers
- Clinique happy for men
- assorted pairs of shorts
- lamps...
- belts..
so basically shoppin was a usual..
- the fullmoon party
i mean.. i dun wanna take things out personally..but i think he's a shame to every single malay i noe.. i mean.. lying to me about not being able to go is one..and.. lying to me about the fact that the tix could have been transferred..i mean.. does he think im stupid enough not to be able to check it out?
zaher wahab..wat a bloody dog..
i'd post photos as soon as roland emails them to me..
rock on..
Sunday, July 15, 2007
fridae the 13th
i would love to blog about what happened at work so much..
but after readin danson's blog.. i believe he had a better account of what really happened..
so i shall cut and paste from his blog, for your viewing pleasure...
St James
Friday the 13 was the most happening day in these 5 months I have worked. It was so dramatic, akin to watching a Taiwanese drama serial. All the fighting, cursing and swearing in the high class gallery bar. A happy reunion turned... The twist of events was so sudden that I couldn't comprehend what happened.
The friend who was chased away was the one who spent lavishly on the girls. St James's top security had to come in break apart the rowdy crowd. Should they come a minute later, the first fight in gallery would break up. To be exact, a cat and dog fight.Eventually the group broke up and all was that was left were broken glasses, torned vouchers, bottle cards and a voluptuous lady sprawling on the ground helplessly. She was one of the customers I served. She actually got so drunk that she ended up in a state of demonic possession.
For the next 2 hours, she tucked herself into the trash bags and slept on the gallery floor. Occasionally, she will go into fits, screaming nonsense and crying. It was a sickly sight. She totally lost it.The next hour was an reenactment of the movie Exorcist. Her eyes rolled up and all that was seen was white. She swing her head around like a mad women, vomit spilling out from the side of her mouth. Her weak husband was no match for her constant struggle. She threw her limbs all over the place, hurting everyone within a 1m radius. She screamed for help, screamed for her own death. Soon, she was knocking her head on the edges of the table and the steel button stool.
I have never seen anybody so drunk, to the extent of seeking death. It was a horrifying sight watching this lump of meat crawling on the floor.It had taken too long to move her away. Eventually, it was time was all of us to go home. That was not the end of everything.
Public shitting
A sick bastard server from Powerhouse got so drunk that he began vomitting and shitting all over the locker area in St James Power Station. This has to be one of the most horrendous thing I have ever seen in my entire life.He sat at one of the side tables near lockers 240++, with his head glued to the table and hand swinging mid air in a pendulum motion.
Vomit flow out from his mouth and you just cannot imagine how a face would look like with that sticky shit. Every few minute, he would clear his throat by spitting his vomit. Yeah, he's literally drowning in his own vomit.This guy even lost control of his anus. God knows what he is thinking.
He passed motion all over the locker area!!! The most shocking thing was that his faeces were at least shoulder height! He must have cleaned his backside with his hand, and conveniently rubbed those crap on the walls! I could not hold my breathe. The stench infiltrated my nostrils and started polluting my brains.What a night...
thanks to mr danson ang for his contribution -
and you thought workin the nite life was boring...
2more weeks to bangkok
i'd be workin monday tuesday friday and saturday this coming week..
with thursday bein the closing ceremony for SHIYEP II
oh wow.. there was an opening ceremony?
Sunday, July 8, 2007
To Believe...
and i guess a part of me came back to life this week..
things about me that i've forgotten myself..
but something reminded me, of the love that surrounds me..
i bumped into nelson TWICE this week..
he was a senior in NS, n initially i never did quite like him
but towards the end of my first year, i guess he was the closest friend i had
yea, NS ended and our meetups began to be less frequent..
but bumping into him after all this while, it did bring back a smile to my face..
a smile.. that reminded me of the fun i had when nothing else in the world mattered back than..
and on 7 july, i am so glad i took leave from work..
not only was it Hugo Wong's wedding, it was also rachel's 21st birthday..
to Hugo, though we've not known each other for long,
i have utmost respect for you, the responsibility that you have bein both a father and husband..
i am glad to be inspired by a person like you..
it was a sweet, yet simple ceremony, one that i would remember for opening up my heart towards findin a way back into love..
princess dearest..happy 21st...the night was full of memories..
i've no idea where this would take us..
but finally girl, i have something to remember you by..
a wonderful evening of celebration..
to have had you in my arms..
how many birthdays i've missed these 7 years
thank you rachel, for making me believe in the power of trust, and friendship once again..
Monday, June 18, 2007
Starbucks is the cocaine of the 21st Century. Discuss.
many do not know i do not have a father..
well ok that's a little bit of a drag
but truth be told, i've not seen him for the past 4 yrs...
havin said that, it wasn't like he was there when my parents were still together..
so many ceremonies..
so many sports days..
so many plays..
you missed them all..
so while i was sippin my green tea frappucino in starbucks..
there were many young fathers who tried so hard to mollycuddle their children..
was i a horrible kid? did my dad mollycuddle me in any way?
i do not want to bitch and whine about havin a terrible childhood
im sure all of us would have wanted out childhood to have been differently..
and that now, many of us swear that when it's our turn to be mums and dads..
we'd be better than them..i hope you guys are able to keep that promise
me? i can't make that promise.. which is why i don't see myself gettin married to begin with..
** a point where i've reiterated in a previous post..
back to dad..
its funny how things changed when he remarried
its funny, that i still tell people im a single child..
well.. to begin wif i've not yet met my step brothers/sisters..
and at times i joke with my mum that this is why i nv went out with a malay girl..
maybe i'd end up bein wif my step sister's cousin in law's brother's daughter..
how ironic, that i have another family out there..
and yet, i've not seen them, met them..or even know their names..
times like this i find it hard to comprehend as to why a man can be so irresponsible towards his own family...
and yet adopt a new family and shower his grandkids with much affection..affection that was nv shown towards his own son...
i am sorry that i hate you, but you taught me how to.
happy belated father's day, to the father i never knew.