gosh.. it's been a while since my last post..
well.. i have finally shrugged off the post trip blues.. and onwards with post trip community project.. heh
in retrospect.. it has been an interesting 2weeks.. finally decided upon RedBull's proposal **i refuse to be refered to as a member of Rojak**
it looked solid..really well polished.. good presentation skills.. but at the end of it all.. the team with the feasible idea won.. shrugs.. anyway.. thumbs up to Team Redbull.. we rocked their socks
The RedBull Lineup, Jan-Feb 2007
Yixin.. me, kaiyan, peizhi.. pearl.. Go Team RedBull~~~ **and one chang beer
on the bright side we'd be workin with youths.. though i felt.. if budget/framework wasn't an issue.. our proposal would havebeen given the heads up.. along with th efact that almost every other delegation member chose our project.. you could really have seen the expression on lionels/des/yj's face.. heh.. but hey.. youth gambling.. im lovin it..
though im terribly pleased with the current programs group lineup
The lovely Robyn.. who finally gets to boss me around since she's the committee head
this was taken..in youth outreach, HK

and this.. my sayang.. pearl.. at youth outreach HK Bldg's roof.. we tried to look like robyn..
my sayang.. you rock.. we rock.. glad we're still workin together in Programs.. :D:D:D

and this.. my sayang.. pearl.. at youth outreach HK Bldg's roof.. we tried to look like robyn..
my sayang.. you rock.. we rock.. glad we're still workin together in Programs.. :D:D:D
oh.. she's the deputy of the committee.. the same Pub Pairing for spore leg.. heh

yes.. my mat bro.. zee.. FINALLY.. we're workin together in the same committee.. YEAHH..
so gonna look forward to this synergy between us..
and also.. mr yixin.. from Team RedBull.. **what a mat.. what a playa...**
watch your front..hormat ke depan.. hor..... MAT.. hahaand guest starring.. Miss Chan Huimin.. the Treasurer.. and who is also an honorary member of the Programs Committee.. taken at Sugar.. LanKwaiFong, HK

and outside HK Uni.Fac. of Fashion dressed to impress
reminding me again of the semi-charmed life im leading.. im lovin it....
++playlist; I'll fly with you; Gigi D'Augustino++