while i waited for work to start at 8pm yesterday
i was walkin around Vivo and checked up the most underrated bookstore, PageOne...
you should really check the place out, an extensive range of advert, media, pop culture bks on display, and the best part yet it has not yet been infested by kids like in Borders, or so jam packed with people like in Kino..
so there i was, browsing around.. and i came across a book..and as i flipped the pages, a bold sentence caught my eye..
"each night i still look at your photo.. and i wonder what could have been if you did not move 500miles away..

The book is actually a collection of secrets being sent to Mr Frank Warren.
He initiated the 1800-SUICIDE hotline across America, and often encouraged people to make a personalised postcard with their secret written on it..
did he get kicks from reading people's deepest darkest or at times amusing secrets?
well.. probably..
but i guess what was most uplifting is how free the person would have felt, to have seen his/her postcard published online, or even in the book...
"i wished someone knew my secrets so that i don't need to pretend im alright"
that was the postcard published on the last page of the book..
i guess, upon readin secrets of others, you do feel a sense of connection, that someone somewhere out there..
is hurt the same way as you
is scared the same way as you
is confused the same was as you..
is scared the same way as you
is confused the same was as you..
let me tell you a secret..
why i dun believe in marriage?
perhaps im scared of being the father, the husband that my dad was to me and my mum..
tell a secret, let it out..
make yourself feel better, make someone out there feel better too..