gosh.. and its Day 4.. and it felt like... 4ever... its been fast and furious... its been fun.. i love the HK peeps.. Jack's cool guy.. strong, silent type... GAAAAAAAAAAAA
but i love the LOCAL DELEGATES.. hahaha.. it feels.. tiring..but with something to do.. its awesome..
Team AC/Temasek at the luge
silly muffins girl with me at the sky ride up to luge
we went Shesha on our first night.. where everyone chased the elusive dragon.. but ONE person ended up being chased by the dragon till at sentosa... *ahem* me, not the vice captain, but the captain of vices.. bleahhhh
oh.. i got paired up with her as facilitators on saturday for sentosa games * she's uber saccharine sweet.. and she made cookies for us.. haha.. cookies and muffins.. what more can you ask
well spent the xmas wee morning chatting with them on the bed.. it was insightful.. B was clearly upset with the outcome of the 4 Qs game.. hmm.. haiz haiz..
and fell asleep at 5am with them .. woke up at 6.45am, rushed to funana macs.. HAH.. today was a lot of walking.. and picture taking.. YAYY
more fotos to be uplaoded soon.. speaking of photos.. i HATE people who put *OMG im so fat / OMG im so ugly* as captions to their photos.. urgghh
+playlist: Senyuman Ragamu, Gerhana Ska CInta +
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